Well, THIS was unexpected!
At this point, my friends and family have grown accustomed to my penchant for reviewing Limited Edition Oreo flavors as soon as they’re available. I’m not even a big cookie eater, but I do love being adventurous and trying unusual foods (or food-like things).
I recently purchased Firework Oreos to review them [see that blog post HERE], and unlike most of the other flavors I’ve purchased, somehow my family managed to plow through the entire package in just a few days–which is a problem, because I promised my eldest daughter she could try some when she comes to visit on Mother’s Day.
So, I took a quick trip to the grocery store to snag some more, and that’s when I happened upon ANOTHER flavor that I had no idea was being released: Waffles & Syrup. What?!? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED!?!
Seriously, whenever a new flavor is announced, I inevitably face an onslaught of tags on Facebook for at least a week. Does no one check my wall first before posting about a new flavor? Nope, I get at least 5 or 6 people tagging me every time a new one is released.
These intrigued me. I was not a big fan of the Lay’s Potato Chips “Chicken & Waffles” flavor, but I was curious enough to give them a chance. These have to better, right?
Actually, I found these a little disappointing–definitely a missed opportunity. I’m not sure what part of this cookie is supposed to taste like a waffle, but I didn’t detect any waffle taste at all, other than the slightest hint of artificial butter flavoring. On the plus side, the cookie itself did have a noticeable maple flavor that was quite pleasant.
Unfortunately, they really missed the mark on the creme filling. Instead of using the maple flavoring throughout the creme, they had just a small dollop of light brown maple creme surrounded by plain white creme, which completely overwhelms the too-subtle maple flavor. They should have used the maple creme throughout the entire cookie.
Final verdict: fun to try, but no one in my family enjoyed these as anything more than a novelty. I will not be buying these again. 🙁