Yak Talk

My thoughts on all things great and small

Holyhead, Wales: A few false starts on the way to the castle

Holyhead, Wales: A few false starts on the way to the castle

Friday, July 6th, 2007 — HOLYHEAD, WALES We awoke to 40 knot winds and 23-foot seas, with an announcement from the captain that conditions were very poor, and not suitable for tendering. He said that we’d anchor a few miles offshore and wait to see if conditions improved. By 9am, the captain informed us thatRead more about Holyhead, Wales: A few false starts on the way to the castle[…]

Southampton: Embarking on the Grand Princess British Isles cruise

Southampton: Embarking on the Grand Princess British Isles cruise

Wednesday, July 4, 2007 — ALL ABOARD! Embarkation went very smoothly. We arrived at the port, and as soon as our driver dropped us off, we encountered Princess Cruise employees who directed us to the check-in area. We showed our passports, provided our booking information, and were given our cruise cards. As we prepared toRead more about Southampton: Embarking on the Grand Princess British Isles cruise[…]