Whenever a new “Limited Edition” flavor of Oreo cookie is announced, I am inevitably tagged at least half a dozen times on Facebook, by well-meaning friends who want to make sure I anticipate the arrival of the new flavor, and post a review forthwith.
So yes, I’ve been aware of that the new “Dunkin Donuts Mocha Oreos” were on their way, but I wasn’t exactly counting down the days.
If only I had known how good these are, believe me, I would have been first in line at the store today.
Some of the flavors released from Oreo have really missed the mark, while others have been passable, but the mocha ones–these are the real deal.
The mocha flavor is perfect–not too sweet, not overpowering, a perfect compliment to the chocolate sandwich cookie. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Get these–you won’t be sorry.
Find them on Amazon.com HERE.
Final verdict: A+