When I saw this “Authentic Greek Yogurt Cheesecake” in the dairy case yesterday at my local supermarket, I nearly gagged. YOGURT CHEESECAKE? Um, how about no??
Boy, was I wrong. This stuff is DELICIOUS, and not nearly as decadent as regular cheesecake, or even the “diet” versions you’ve seen out there. This 2.5oz serving has just 100 calories, 7 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat (only 3 of which are saturated), and only 4 grams of sugar.
When I saw the word “yogurt” I immediately assumed there would be some sort of tangy aftertaste, but no, not with this brand. It’s also gluten free, so if you’re hoping to find some buttery graham cracker crust goodness at the bottom–sorry, you won’t find it.
That’s okay, though. This version will still satisfy your craving for cheesecake, without the usual guilt. And I was shocked to find that all of the ingredients are actually easy to pronounce. It boasts no preservatives, and no artificial colors or flavors.
Galatas Authentic Greek Yogurt Cheesecake was $3.99 a box at my local Kings supermarket, and I highly recommend giving it a try!
UPDATED TO ADD: I’m not sure how widely available this product is, but I found the website for the parent company, “Say Cheese Gourmet” in East Rockaway, NY. You can visit their website at this link: http://saycheesegourmet.com/guilt-free-creations