Okay, like, is this thing on, or what?
So, I’m hearin’ that my brother Mittens got a chance to blog on here for his birthday, and I was all, “Hey, when’s my turn?” and he’s all, “You suck, you don’t get a turn” and I’m like, “Oh says YOU” and he’s all, “Whatever” so I go, “That’s not what yo momma said last night” and he’s all, “I’m outta here” and I’m like, “I know you are, but what am I?”
I may be younger than him, and smaller than him, but I know the 411 on Mom’s PayPal password, and can log onto Petco.com to order up a ten-spot’s-worth of catnip anytime I want. Eat that, furball.
WHOA, what was that noise?!?
Okay, I’m back…had to go hide under the couch for a sec. That was a close one. The washing machine turned to the rinse cycle and made that wrrrussssh sound that I hate. Scary stuff. I’m never quite sure if its the machine, or if it’s a gigantic space alien landing on the roof to suck my brains out, you know? Better safe than sorry. Good thing I peed on the curtains in the dining room earlier, otherwise that could have been really embarrassing.
*yawwwwwwn* sheesh, I’m beat already. Freaking out for no apparent reason can be SO draining.
I think I’ll take a quick nap, and blog more another time. ‘Night all!