On Thursday night, I had the pleasure of seeing a new Broadway show (debuting in April, currently in previews) that is destined to be a BIG hit. Cry Baby is the latest stage offering based on a John Waters film (the genius who brought us Hairspray), and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The songs were irreverant and funny–a bit more adult-themed than Hairspray–and the cast really threw themselves into their roles. The story isn’t exactly original: boy from the wrong side of the tracks meets prim and proper girl from a wealthy family, they fall in love, and chaos ensues as their friends and family try to keep them apart. Still, the execution of this well-worn theme was kept upbeat and tongue-in-cheek, and of course, it all ends happily for everyone (as evidenced by the final song, “Nothing Bad’s Ever Gonna Happen Again.”)
Alli Mauzey stole the show as Lenora, the crazy stalker chick who hears voices and pursues the leather-jacketed Cry-Baby. Her solo, “Screw Loose,” was an endearing ode to insanity, and one of the highlights of the show for me. Other fun songs: “Girl, Can I Kiss You with Tongue?” and “I’m Infected.”
Tickets for the previews cost $54 apiece (since the play is set in 1954), with rear mezzanine tickets going for only $35. Definitely a great night out!

I saw the musical last week and I believe that it was the worst musical I ever saw! This show makes a school musical look like a classic! Avoid it at any cost!! I believe it won’t last a week once this piece of crap opens late this month.
Wow, Vicente! I guess that old adage, “different strokes for different folks” certainly applies here.
It’s always interesting to hear opinions that differ from my own, and art is certainly subjective. Thanks for weighing in.
I wouldn’t call it the worst musical I have ever seen, but I wouldn’t call it destined for greatness either.
I must admit to being confused why you would cast a musical with non singers. The dancing was good, but the reason Miss Mauzey “stole the show” was largely because she was the only talented singer in the cast.
“I did something wrong (once)” would have been a truly great number if it had been sung in tune by a strong, clear voice.
I am not being malicious. It was a pleasant show overall, and I chuckled here and there, it’s just nothing to write home about.
Thanks for weighing in, Joe. I don’t think you sound “malicious” at all…you’re just stating your opinion based on your experience from seeing the show.
well, I guess we’ll have to wait until it officially opens on Broadway–April 24th, for those keeping score–to see how it’s received by the general public.
I just saw this show tonight and thought it was fantastic. I’m seeing about 7 Broadway shows in one week and while this is my third (as of yet) it was the most fun I’ve had. The singers were great, the ensemble dancers were amazing and the crowd (nearly a packed house) was completely into the show. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but so glad I went!!
I have to agree that it was probably one of the worst shows I have seen. I suspect that it won’t be around for much longer. The lead characters didn’t do much for me. The Stalker and the Grandmother are the most entertaining of the players. Much of this show is just cliche to me.